Filofax Saffiano: My 2014 Set-up & Week #6
I've been wanting a compact Filofax and something that's not in the colour range of purple and pink. Since my other organisers are in Lavander and Raspberry, I decided to go with Aqua.
Since my decision to go to a compact size Filofax, I thought about getting a leather one, but decided against it. This Christmas, I received a leather iPad Mini case with a bluetooth keyboard. Since I take my iPad and my Filofax everywhere with me, my bag started to get heavy. I switched from the Finsbury to the Metropol, but even with the vinyl material on the Metropol, my bag was still heavy. That's when I realised that the problem lies in with the slightly bigger rings that the personal size offers which leads to overstuffing. It made my decision to switch to a compact Saffiano easier.
When the Filofax Saffiano came in the mail, I was a bit disappointed when I opened the box. Filofax no longer packaged their organisers in pretty packaging. Instead, it's covered in hard plastic. I remember when we used to get the organisers in the box.