
Kate Spade Agenda: Summer 2014 Setup

7:21 AM

I have been consider switching from my beloved Filofax Compact Saffiano in Aqua to my Kate Spade Agenda. I love how light and slim the compact Saffiano is, but I wanted a change and only for the summer. I will switch back to the Saffiano when I leave on holiday to the East Coast in the autumn.

My set-up has relatively changed since I last posted, which was quite a bit ago. I promise to post more frequent. 

On my dashboard I have a clear flyleaf that came with the agenda on top of my quotes page. I love looking at this page when I first open my organiser as it gives me motivation to go through the day. On my Saffiano, I actually had quote page and the Filofax registration page in a protective covering, which I made by slipping them in a quart sized Ziplock Bag, cutting it and putting washi tape on the corner to punch the plastic better as well as to protect it. With the Kate Spade Agenda, I have no need to put the registration page on it.

After the quotes page, I have a "Keep Calm and Click On" DIY Project Life card that I downloaded from MissTiina. I pasted it on a 3x5 index card, punched holes and used the Recollections corner round punch I bought from Michaels, which sadly the corners a bit too round, but it works. I wanted to add a pop of colour to the plain Filofax dividers.

Next up is my diary. I know this page is blank, but I had so many private details in the week prior and is too lazy to blur out the info, I decided that this is a much better route.

Right before my To-Do list, I've got another DIY Project Life Card with the caption, Life is Good. I've placed the card on there to remind me that life is indeed good and also add a bit of colour to the otherwise plain divider.

I've also changed up the divider tabs. I'm using the Martha Stewart Tabs. The Filofax Divider tabs are so small. Using the Martha Stewart tabs, I'm able to get to what I really need quickly.

In the Notes section, I have some Filofax Note inserts and a few sheets of Post-Its. I used to carry the whole Post-It pad, but I find that I really don't need all of them. So I decided to carry a few sheets at a time within the notes section of my organiser.

The last tab in my organiser is the Reading Challenge. The divider is made out of heavy scrapbooking paper and I've also added another DIY Project Life card. This time, I was able to find a smaller round corner punch that made all four corners of this card a bit more neater.

The Reading Challenge Insert has also changed. I wanted to keep it simple, so I changed it to add a blank space to insert the year of the Reading Challenge. So far, I've read ten books ... no make that 11 since I just recently finished "Single in the City" by Michele Gorman.

In the back, I've got all the Info Sheets that came with my Filofax. I could have omitted these sheets, but I like to refer to them. The States still uses the Imperial system. With these sheets, it makes it easier for me to convert from Metric to Imperial and Imperial to Metric without pulling out a calculator.

In the back, I've also got a business card holder that holds my library card and two Starbucks gift cards. In my Saffiano, the Starbucks gift cards are held in the front pocket so I can get to them easier, but since this organiser doesn't have that option, the cards were moved to the back.

Lastly, I've got a few Martha Stewart Peel and Stick labels (if that's what it's called. I purchased it a long time ago and have misplaced the packaging) as well as a post-it note with my initial. I bought the post-it note at the Dollar Store a while back and haven't been able to find it since. The post-it coincidentally matches the agenda.

So, this is my Summer 2014 set-up. I'm planning to go back to my Saffiano or possibly my Finsbury at the end of the season. Do you have a summer set up? If so, comment below.
