Long Lost Vintage Planner

11:26 AM

A few weeks ago, I was on this organizing mood and decided to clear out my closet of the things I don't use anymore. I have a decent size walk-in closet and I'm in a constant battle for space. So, as I was tossing some clothes, bags, and shoes into a charity pile, I came across an old DayPlanner.

I was so excited to see it. Really, I was.

For a few years now, I've migrated my schedule from my last planner, which was a zippered Roxy planner to a Blackberry and soon after that into an iPhone. Needless to say, my schedule went digital. As I sorted through the old pages of this vintage planner — this one particular planner dates back to the late 90s — I realized that I really couldn't go digital since I love looking at the week and finding out what I need to do without swiping up or down on my iPhone. I decided that I was going to be a Planner Girl again and pulled out the old sheets and began using the DayTimer until I can find the right planner for me or the other ones I've stored or buried in the closet.

It was a whirlwind schedule a couple of weeks ago. It's the primaries here in California and I've been working hard on a couple of political campaigns, not to mention I have regular chores as well as preparing to take two exams, the CSET Social Studies and the CBEST.

I haven't quite found the right planner I want to use and this one DayPlanner is made of leather, I'm going to be using it for a while. It was also nice to be able to write down how long it took me to read the Fifty Shades trilogy, which I found quite alarming since I read a book a day and have not really done anything.

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