My Week #45

1:33 PM

"There are many ways of going forward, but only one way of standing still."
-Franklin D. Roosevelt

This week had been so busy with election season in the States. I had to get as much of my housekeeping chores done on Monday since most of Tuesday would be spent working on elections.

For a while, I've contemplated about posting videos on how I do my journalling and decorating, but there are quite a few videos out there already. So I decided to just go over my week with you.

In my organisers, I've dabbled with a few different pens. As much I love the felt tip pens from Marvy's LePen and Staedler, I just don't like how the pens bleed through the sheet regardless whether or not I use the Filofax sheets or my customised sheets. I do like the variety of colours and it's vividness.

For this week, I've used both the Staedler, Marvy LePen, and Pilot Frixion pens. I've also used a couple of different washi tapes. I've used the Post-It note and a Sanrio's Little Twin Stars washi on top of the week and also on Friday. The triangular stickers on Wednesday are cutouts from washi tapes as well. I've thought about buying the stickers at Michaels, but it's far economical to just cut out the triangles from the washi tapes. As far as my doodling, I used the the black Staedler Triplus Fineliner pen to outline the drawing, and for the fill-in colours, I've used Crayola Pencils. 

So, there you have it. My Week's decoration in a nutshell. How was your week?

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